
2010-01-06 @ 21:19:02

Varit in umeyoo idag då, sett Alex och Jakobs matcher. Åkte hem, åt som vanligt en jävla massa och nu sitter jag här. Trött. Vill träna, har blivit as fet.. palla. Godnatt
BTW sandra! du är störd & gjorde min kväll igår, haha älskar dig cepeeee


"don’t text too much because it comes across as desperate. never send two texts in a row for the same reason. no facebook chat every time he logs on, ‘cause that’s desperate too, as is ‘Liking’ everything he posts, so don’t do that either. remember not to ask when we’re seeing each other next because nonchalance is key, right? don’t sound to eager when he suggests doing something in the future, remember, nonchalance. when you’re out with other people, don’t demand his attention, he’s not there just for you. and don’t make an issue of him making friends with new girls, that’s asking for trouble, you don’t want to look jealous and insecure. when he wants to go to sleep before you do, don’t latch onto him because you’ll seem weak, needy, intense.

i just wish you knew how far away i am from nonchalance."


Postat av: Johäännnnaaaa

fin blogg jennypennybenny. fin header.

skriv att jag är bäst<3;)))

2010-01-06 @ 23:50:54
Postat av: Gile

fan vad snygg blogg du hade, tjejen :)

2010-01-07 @ 17:49:39
URL: http://gilee.blogg.e
Postat av: Anonym

men ät inte så mkt då

2010-01-08 @ 00:38:54

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